Client insights
GRIS by Liz MichaelWhy do Clients prefer CGI over traditional photography?
Get insights from Liz Michael, Founder of Gris Mineral Paint, about her thought processes for choosing to produce brand material in CGI. We appreciate the honesty and reflections about the process. It’s been a joy working with Liz, as she never leaves anything unattended. A huge thanks to Pernille Vest for doing an amazing job on the styling.

”I originally chose to do 3D renders because I was unable to travel during the pandemic to Denmark where we shoot our images. I don’t think otherwise I would have chosen to produce images this way. Coming from a background of working on a team with photographers for decades in my previous work, photography is really in my DNA. I enjoy being part of the process. So I had not considered anything else. Then the world suddenly changed and you must adapt. I had been seeing a lot of 3D renders around and thought I would research it. Fortunately Pernille Vest who produces and styles our images recommended SEEN and that’s how it all came to be.”

“The images produced for Gris are essential to the identity and the visual language of the brand. Each image has to convey a feeling of my taste in design and how I want to visualise a particular colour. My primary concern was that it looks real and not fake. The first series of renders turned out beautifully. I could not have been more happy. The next series were just as beautiful and now I think I actually prefer it to photography. You can achieve whatever you want, create your own environments, light, shadow, it allows for so much more control and freedom. Even though with digital photography and photoshop you can manipulate images and change a lot, CGI offers a different level of precision and quality. You can not tell the difference between good CGI and photography and that is really important to me. There are plenty of 3D images out there that look too sterile for me. They lack feeling.
Working with the right team though is everything. Choosing the right CGI artist is essential that understands your vision. I’m lucky to have been recommended to SEEN who are fantastic to work with and it is still a collaborative process.”

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